Monday 18 June 2012

Birmingham Weekend 16th & 17th June

Firstly I would like to Congratulate Robert Thornton for winning the Speedy Services UK Open, known as "The F.A Cup of Darts", defeating Phil Taylor 11-5 in the final.
I could not  hit a double in my first game so after losing I took my lovely wife Nanette to Portugal for the week and celebrated her birthday out there.
"The weather was fantastic", we had a lovely break.
The rest must have done me good as I made the quarter finals on theSunday Birmingham Pro Tour.
I started by defeating Antonio Alcinas 6-2, Devon Petersen 6-4, Terry Temple 6-5, Raymond Van Barneveld 6-4 with a 105 average, then lost to a very inform Robert Thornton 6-2.
Congratulations to Ronnie Baxter and Michael Van Gerwin for their wins over the weekend.
I'm off to Berlin, Germany on Thursday for the second European Tour of the year and hope I can keep my present form going.  I  have drawn Kim Huybrechts in the first round.
Back to the practise board now.
Happy Darting